Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I adore making baby things!

I purchased a blanket at Wal-Mart for about $3.84. I cannot even buy plain fleece for that price! Trust me I checked. So, it's a steal! What else do you expect from Wal-mart!? There after I used Sublime Stitching Patterns because they are easy, fast and cute! This blanket was done in a matter of hours. My fingers hurt afterward but I got it done! And it was given to the mommy in time for the baby to come home from the hospital, yay!

We are all called the lab ladies at work and I made it on behalf of the group. :)

(edit:) I did not embroider the bear it came with him on it! I just did the lettering.

one more picture of my friend's baby with the other blanket i did! she's lookin' up at it!! awww

1 comment:

Ashley said...

the one with the bear coming out of the pocket is really, really cute. :)